7 Marketing Secrets From Isaiah

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Marketing Among Wolves

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7 Marketing Secrets From Isaiah

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We started the series on the marketing series embedded in Isaiah’s prophecy of the coming Messiah. Isaiah reveals the seven Spirits of God as mentioned in the book of Revelation but described by Isaiah in Chapter 11, verse 1 and 2. In this first session we begin by discussing the 7 elements found in all marketing campaigns. They are there whether you know it or not. Knowing it and using them for your benefit is far better.

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In Part 2, we cover three more of the seven sales and marketing principles modeled by Isaiah when he was prophesying about the coming Messiah. We begin by finishing the section on “setting the hook” with the teaching on the Fear of the Lord and how that reveals “pain” that your customers and prospects have.

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We wrap up this series on marketing based on Isaiah’s prophecy concerning the Messiah found in Isaiah 11. This particular session goes into detail concerning the wisdom equation that all prospects want to satisfy. This element completes the communication triad of knowledge, wisdom & understanding that is essential for successful communication whether in sales or marketing.

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About the teacher

Michael Pink

Michael is a leading authority on applying Biblical strategy and Natural Law to sales and business. He has written 19 books including The Bible Incorporated, Selling Among Wolves, Rainforest Strategy and 7 Secrets of the Sale.

His unconventional approach to sales and business has resulted in quantum leaps for his clients including a recent team of three that he led to become the 16th fastest growing, privately held company in America on the INC 500 list. For more information on Michael, visit his website: MichaelPink.com

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