7 Wealth Secrets of the Rainforest
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Succeeding Among Wolves
9 Lessons
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We are beginning our series on business lessons from the rainforest. In our opening session, we lay the foundation as to why the created order is a great model for business. Beginning with David and Solomon and finishing with Jesus and Paul, we show clearly why the created order reveals God’s wisdom and nature.
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We began the second installment on the rainforest series focusing on a process I call, “fungigation”. It’s the process of taking formerly vibrant, living, contributing members to the cause (ecosystem, church, company, etc.) that have now come to the end of their role, breaking them down into their individual, core components. It becomes necessary when what was working, no longer is. It becomes necessary when your job goes away, your business fails or the economy takes a dive.
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We really opened up the fungigation topic further, demonstrating how you fungigate (reinvent, redefine, redeploy, reallocate, release, etc) old underperforming, under achieving, under developed assets into something that can revitalize your company, your product line, your career, your message, your marketing, etc.
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In the rainforest, there are four kinds of interactive relationships modeled between plant, animals and insects. The first one should be avoided. It is parasitic in nature. If you don’t fend them off they will weaken and/or kill you.
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There are significant forces working against you all the time to limit your productivity and growth. Generally speaking they fall into two categories. The first one is pests and the second is pathogens. Pests greatly affect your net output. They seem small and pesky, but in terms of performance, they are menacing and dangerous.
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You’ve heard it said that God has a plan for your life… Well, He also has a detailed plan for everything else. Nothing is left to chance. Even our Lord Jesus Christ, the Bible says, was “crucified from before the foundation of the earth.” The rainforest is an incredible complex, high functioning system that did not evolve upwards. It came about by intelligent design and strategic planning.
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This session begins by focusing on the seven constants that every flower in the rainforest has in common. Every flower exists primarily for the purpose of marketing for the tree or species it is a part of. The seven constants are color, fragrance, shape, size, timing, location and medium.
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Successful marketing captures your interest at “hello”. It’s won or lost largely at the headline. It’s all about making a powerful promise and then expounding on that promise in a compelling manner. The assumption of course, is that you can and will match your promise with the goods.
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Making a powerful promise is a great way to start a marketing piece, but you must bring people through the psychological process from intrigue or interest, to compelling evidence, logical justification, social proof and why you are the best choice out of a host of similar possibilities.
Michael is a leading authority on applying Biblical strategy and Natural Law to sales and business. He has written 19 books including The Bible Incorporated, Selling Among Wolves, Rainforest Strategy and 7 Secrets of the Sale.
His unconventional approach to sales and business has resulted in quantum leaps for his clients including a recent team of three that he led to become the 16th fastest growing, privately held company in America on the INC 500 list. For more information on Michael, visit his website: MichaelPink.com
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