Bi-Weekly SAW Coaching
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LIVE Meeting Recordings
34 Lessons
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We started opening up what goes into a 21 point analysis of your business.
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Ten strategies for achieving 10X or more in your life - including potentially 2025!
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We reviewed what's happening with various members and outlined the 4 things your offer should include, along with the 5 things you are looking for in an ideal market.
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Reviewed Linda Jones website and Ed Turose as well as took numerous questions from the group.
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Today, we did more of a MASTERMIND session focusing on Eileen's website and also Focus Life Institute by Dr. Ed Turose. Had some very insightful commentary from other members as we tapped into decades of marketing and advertising experience. Great job everyone!
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The goodness, (kindness and ease) of God, leads (guides, directs) man to repentance (change of mind and heart). Where is God's kindness laid out in Scripture, specifically in the life of Jesus? We look at Luke 4:18 and Matthew 4:23 for the answer to satisfy the promise of Ephesians 1:18
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In this call, we talked about how to access the heavenly places to succeed on the earthly realm.
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How did God reach out to a fallen world and invite us into His incredible value proposition of life more abundantly. We begin at what I called the Early Rain Campaign, better known as a Tease Campaign, and goes from there. It was incredibly effective!
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I took the group behind the scenes and showed them the ad creation process that I'm currently going through and shared some very good tips for doing ads, as well as provided a couple very useful links. PowerPoint PDF and Word Doc available in resources.
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We talked about the Ultimate Life Framework in Detail and the 7 Part Thinking Framwork. It was awesome!
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He who regards the wind, will not sow And he who regards the clouds will not reap.
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An indepth look at the 7 critical roles of the Sprout Phase where we drilled down on the specific role of the Cotyledon and its function of beta testing and how that applies to everything we do.
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Lead Generation: We examined the Offer Formula that would attract good leads. Of special interest was the connection between Matthew 11:28-29 when Jesus said... "Come unto Me all you who labor and are heavy laden..." This perfectly models the ideal of identifying the pain point, offering a good outcome, outlining the effort required, giving a time frame and the likelihood of success ("My yoke is easy, My burden is light.")
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The three things a detective strives to uncover about a suspect (prospect) are (1) Do they have a MOTIVE? (2) Do they have the OPPORTUNITY (right time, right fit) and (3) Do they have the MEANS? These same three things are what you need to discover with your prospects and if all three questions are answered in the affirmative, then you do your best to make the sale.
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Seed Phase - Part 3. We focused on the two types of pests, the destruction the bad ones do, and the 7 natural strategies to defeat those pests in business.
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After a brief review of Part One of the Presentation Secrets of the Apostle Peter, we spent the next hour finishing up with Part Two. In total there were 95 powerful pointers for making a presentation. There was no suggestion that you will use all 95, but there are many, many valuable tips that you can utilize in various presentation scenarios.
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We talked about 3 sales models based on the 3 different kinds of pollination mechanisms. Then we dove into the four deadly pathogens and how to defeat them.
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The SEED PHASE is one of seven phases a tree or a business go through. Within that phase are eight things you should plan ahead for. This lesson covers the first four of them.
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In the book of Acts, Chapter 2, Peter stands up in front of a hostile crowd and preaches. By the end of the sermon, 3,000 people made a decision that cost all of them their reputation, many of them their fortunes and some of them their very lives. What did God put in that speech that had such a profound effect. Peter gave an amazing presentation with great effect and we can learn from it, and emulate it with great effect.
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In this session we first review and then contrast the 7 questions Sun Tzu (The Art of War - 500 B.C.) had to have answered before going into battle, with the 7 questions Moses had to have answered before invading Canaan.
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Talked a bit about God's example of provision re: "Behold the birds of the air..." and did a lot of individual coaching. +
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Lessons from a Jackass (Numbers 22) about the importance of questions.
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We spent the first 15 minutes on a success formula shared by Paul in Romans 12 that blew my mind. (I will attach my notes to it.) From there, we reviewed a promotional email from Eileen, landing page copy from Faith, and a sales training flowchart put together by Graeme. With the 15 minutes left in the call, I began the Premise for asking P.A.I.N. Index questions.
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We discussed 4 Traits of good questions, 7 reasons to ask questions and 10 types of questions to utilize.
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The seven step process for achieving goals
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The origination of goals and the Biblical requirements and pattern for goal fulfillment
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The Aleph Tav, Coming Solar Eclipse & Positioning Yourself For Success
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There are four kinds of prospects represented by the Parable of the Sower and its 4 different soil conditions. There is a key to succeeding with every type of prospect, although good ground is preferred. Knowing how to navigate each scenario while also being an ambassador for Christ is of paramount importance.
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Eric Beck came on the call part way through to talk about how to create a compelling vision. It was powerful!
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7 Questions to ask to Define Your Vision How to Keep F.O.C.U.S.E.D.
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3 Mind Shifts That Change Everything:
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3 Levels of the Divine Blueprint:
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The Natural Law Model With a 100% Success Rate:
Michael is a leading authority on applying Biblical strategy and Natural Law to sales and business. He has written 19 books including The Bible Incorporated, Selling Among Wolves, Rainforest Strategy and 7 Secrets of the Sale.
His unconventional approach to sales and business has resulted in quantum leaps for his clients including a recent team of three that he led to become the 16th fastest growing, privately held company in America on the INC 500 list. For more information on Michael, visit his website:
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